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The 5 most Dangerous Jobs in Illinois

On Behalf of | Mar 10, 2016 | Workers' Compensation


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), approximately 4,500 workers lose their lives to workplace injuries throughout the United States each year. Alarmingly, thousands more are seriously injured. In the state of Illinois, workplace injuries and deaths are just as common.

In fact, an Illinois workers’ compensation attorney is likely to see thousands of work-related injury cases pass before the courts during his or her career.

A recent report by the BLS reveals that in 2014 alone, there were approximately 141,000 recordable non-fatal occupational injuries and illnesses in Illinois, and a disturbing 163 fatal work-related injuries. While anyone can suffer from serious injuries or even death while performing their job duties, there are a few occupations that have proven more dangerous for Illinois workers.

  1. Transportation: The transportation industry has proven to be the most deadly in the state of Illinois. In 2014, the industry experienced 32 fatalities with 19 of those being due to transportation-related incidents/ accidents. Additionally, there were approximately 11,600 non-fatal injuries in the transportation industry that same year. Large truck incidents led the way with about 3,400 injuries, while air transportation followed closely behind with approximately 2,800 injuries.
  2. Construction: Not surprisingly, the construction industry was ranked the second most deadly industry in Illinois. In 2014, there were 4,200 non-fatal injuries and 28 deaths in the industry. Falls were the leading cause of death (12).
  3. Manufacturing: With approximately 13 fatalities and 23,000 injuries in 2014, the field of manufacturing may not have been quite as deadly as transportation or construction, but workers were more likely to suffer non-fatal injuries.
  4. Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Fishing: in 2014, there were 26 total fatalities in the industry, but only 500 recordable injuries in Illinois.
  5. Professional and Business Services: There were 9 fatalities and 6,200 injuries in the Professional and Business Services field in 2014.

Workers’ compensation attorney Randy Taradash asserts that “Although there has been a concentrated focus on workplace safety over the past few decades, statistics reveal that additional protections and stricter enforcement of safety regulations are needed to help keep American workers safe.”