Nursing home abuse and neglect are among the worst things that can happen to a vulnerable loved one. You entrust their care to those who should know how to protect them, yet this is so often not the case.
If your loved one is hurt at a nursing home, it is your right to pursue answers. You deserve to know who harmed them and how. You deserve to know why they were left sitting so long that they developed a bed sore or why they were delirious from infection but no one had noticed.
What should you do if your loved one was neglected at a nursing home?
Your first step should be to inform your attorney and to let them know what happened. If you have medical reports, police reports or other information about your loved one’s injury, you can take that to your attorney as well.
Your attorney has experience working with cases like yours and will do what they can to make sure your loved one’s pain and suffering is explained and paid for. No nursing home should allow anyone to go without the care or support they need, no matter how busy the nurses are or how difficult the patient is.
Our website has more information on nursing home abuse and neglect in Illinois along with what you can do to prevent and stop it. With the right support, it’s possible to help your loved one get compensated for their injuries and to help them move to a better, safer facility. Your loved one deserves better than to be put in harm’s way.