After you’re involved in a work accident, you may not be able to do the things you could before. You might have lost a limb, suffered a head injury or have another condition that impacts your ability to do the job you had before. You may think you’ll never be able to go back to gainful employment again.
The good news is that workers’ compensation benefits also allow for vocational rehabilitation. This is extremely important for some people who suffer debilitating injuries due to workplace accidents.
What is vocational rehabilitation?
Vocational rehabilitation is a set of services that helps you return to work after an injury. The goal is not necessarily to return you to the same position. Instead, the goal is to get you into a job that you can do comfortably with your injury.
Initially, you may need to go through an assessment and evaluation. Vocational rehabilitation benefits also provide you with training for a new position or job. Often, they offer on-the-job training and career counseling, so you have a say in how your future comes together through the rehabilitation you’re participating in.
The extra benefit of these services is that your employer may be able to work with the vocational rehabilitation team to provide you with accommodations and modifications that allow you to return to work. The services you need may vary, but it’s important to know that they are there for you. Your attorney can help you get started, so you can get back to work when you’re ready and continue on with your life.